Monday, September 15, 2014

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How To Set Goals The SMART Way.

By Yemi | 11:41 PM |

 Setting of goals is very crucial if you ever want to make any tangible achievement in life. Ask anybody who has ever made it big in life and they will tell you that they had their goals clearly written down and worked towards achieving it.

Sadly many people are yet to discover the importance of goal setting.  While a few others who have their goals written down are doing it the wrong way and so are not getting the results they desire.
Today I’m going to teach you how to set your goals the Smart way.

S.M.A.R.T is an acronym which better describes the characteristics of a goal that has a higher chance of being achieved than not.

Your  goals Have to Be:

S= Specific
M= Measurable
A= Achievable
R= Realistic
T= Time bound


For a goal to stand a higher chance of being achieved, it must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound.
I’m going to briefly explain each of them.

1. Specific

 You have to make your goals as specific as possible.  For example, it’s not just enough  to want to be rich, everybody wants that. You have to get specific as to how you want to get the riches that you so desire. Map out a plan or a guide of businesses u may want to engage in to bring the kind of money you desire. Don’t let the lack of money stop you, write it down first.

2. Measurable

  the second point worth noting is that your goals have to be measurable. For example, if your goal is to make money, state clearly the specific amount you would like to make.  E.g I want to make 1 million naira within the next six months.

3. Achievable

 Always make sure your goals are achievable / do able.  an example of an unachievable goal would be for a normal man attempting to conceive a child. or a Nigerian who is not a citizen of American to aspire to become the president of U.S.A. Of course you know that is going to be practically impossible.

4. Realistic

 when setting goals, make sure you set it from a realistic point of view.  It has to be believable for you. You may not have all the answers as to how you are going to achieve them but it should be possible from your own point of view.

5. Time Bound

  Having a time frame in which you wish to achieve your goals cannot be over emphasized.  A goal that isn’t time bound is just a dream. You need to set a time duration / boundary to your goals.
e.g. you could write that you want to expand your current source of income and you want to achieve it within the next 6 months.
Setting a time frame actually sends your mind to work and you immediately begin to think of the fastest possible way to achieve that particular goal.

Always remember that the primary reason for setting goals is not necessarily for acquisition, you set goals to grow.

Hope you found this post useful.


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