Sunday, April 21, 2013

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Intresting Business Ideas For Nigeran Entrepreneurs

By Yemi | 10:22 PM |

I stumbled on this Thread on Naira Land Forum   and it seems quite intresting so thought i just share it  with every one. please take your time to read through it all, you just might have an inspired thought. I tried my best to correct some of the typos made by the person who wrote this.

Hi Guys

I have some few business idea you can develop freely if you have the capacity.I will be glad if investors show interest in this idea and entrepreneurs take it up.I am a free thinker,a problem finder and a solution hunter.I think about problems and try to find instant solutions to this problem.But my current situation makes it impossible for me to progress with my idea so i am letting it out to Nigerians and hopefully get referenced after the idea is developed.

Here are a few ideas and if you need more.feel free to consult me and when i have the time i will analyse and respond.

No.1 University Graduate Database

Database of graduate and their degree,thesis and competence reviewed posted by school authority and reviewed by lecturers with competent feedback and recommendations.

Its an E-curriculum vitae for potential employers searching for the best graduating students from university.

How it works.

Graduates post their credentials online which is viewed by every potential employer freely

Student credential verification:
Student pay a fee to have their documents verified and the site admin begin verification process by requesting additional documentation from the graduate.after the graduate upload his documentation,documents are verified with the university and the students information is sent to the lecturers who took their course for review and feedback which is privately provided and only potential employee can view them after a subscription fee.

Potential employers:

Potential employers can view free student credentials for free. In order for them to view verified certificates and browse lecturer feedback. They have to pay a fee for each student.

Searching for graduate:
The search will be able to highlight student credentials based on performance scaling,grades,specific job requirement grade,lecturer review and random lecturer review.

Random lecturer review:

To cover up potential loopholes in the review process, a random lecturer review will be conducted on each verified student credentials after the specific university departmental review.this will help improve transparency in the review feedback process making sure students dont manipulate the lecturer review process.

Note: This random lecturers can be rewarded by a recharge card

Most viewed /reviewed graduate search:

The search can show most reviewed and viewed graduate with rating.

Employer Subscription:

Employers pay a fee to view verified documents.verified document has a price tag.lecturers feedback and random feedback has a price tag which are pricedseperately.

The subscription is priced based on the if the employer is an oil firm, he pays 5000, and if its banking or telecom,it pays 3000 and 2000 respectively.

The search engine help the employer get the best graduate with ease. And he pays to view the student profile and contact them.

Students are sent a text or email to notify them about the employers reviewed stages. By this, the student is aware of what to expect.

This idea will help solve recruitment stress faced by most employers by speeding up recruitment process.employers are guaranteed the best graduates with ease.

Graduate do not have to fill in and send application every time their is a new opening thereby saving time and making it easier for employees.

Just imagine all companies and business organization using this website for their recruitment.its lots of millions bro

No 2: Nigerian Escrow website

I believe by now most of us know what escrow service means.Look it up on google.


You and i know that if we have the opportunity to scam with ease we wont hesitate to grab that opportunity. I have a general law in online business which has been adopted by most white Europeans and Americans.
"Never trust a Nigerian in every aspect concerning money"
Even Goodluck Jonathan the Nigerian president could scam you if he has the opportunity. Agreed? This is because human wants/needs are not satiable.

In my own opinion, Nigerians have not been successful in online business because of the risk that is involved when you deal with Nigerian online.this can be seen in the way the European and American payment service like paypal, moneybrookers and the rest of them restrict their service from Nigerians.My reason?we can not trade with Nigerians using paypal because they are so brilliant that they can even claim to own the paypal merchant account and scam you the sum of 50,000 dollars with just a 100 naira air ticket bought from a local cyber cafe that has a 5th hand used outdated computer.

In order to improve trust when doing business with Nigerians online,there has to be a payment service that is able to protect Nigerian as well as the so called magas.

PayNigerians/NairaEscrow/ProtectMaga/MagaSafe (Think about a unique short domain name)

This website enables buyers and sellers to buy and sell product and services safely when dealing with Nigerians.

How it works
 Example: A seller abroad who supplies goods like clothing and cars contacts a Nigerian importer who is interested in importing cloths for sale in Nigeria.after must communication they buyer agrees and decides to transact with this seller who he or she doesn't know or have not met before. He remembers the ultimate online Law( Never trust any body with money online especially a Nigerian). The buyer or the seller can offer to procure a third party "YOU" that will protect them and ensure smooth secured transaction.

 Both parties visit your website
 Register as a buyer or a Seller
 states the given transaction amount or service
 click proceed

The Admin (YOU) accept escrow and ask the buyer to upload the money. when he uploads the money and you confirm it with your bank, you contact the seller securely online to proceed with shipment and provide shipment tracking codes.when the goods are shiped and the buyer confirms can release the money to the seller by local bank transfer.

Happy buyer/ Happy seller that returns to your website again and again and recommends you to other prospective importer.

Other possibilities

A)You could also integrate the site with freelance services. i.e people who live abroad that can send this product to you in Nigeria and recieve their payment securely through your site.

A potential buyer who wants to buy something from ebay or other eCommerce site abroad but do not have the payment capability as the shipping address specified because most online traders do not send goods to Nigeria.
He or she goes to your website, post a freelance AD seeking for an interested freelancer who can purchase the goods in your name and resend it to Nigeria for you for a fee.

interested freelancer contacts you and negotiates payment.then proceed to use the escrow service offered by your site.

B) I also see the possibility of the  Nigerian government using your platform to issue/award contracts to potential contractors.Money is never released until the contract is completed.this will help to reduce the problem with unfinished contracts as most contractors will strive to complete their contract because they are guaranteed a return on their investment.this can be linked to banks that issue loans to contractors as the contractors can print the pending escrow statement and use it as collateral to secure loan.

You can manipulate their solution in several way to suite your revenue potential. consult me if you need further question and if i have the time,i will gladly reply.

No 3: Social Investment website for Nigerians


Nigerians are business people.We are very talented but we end up using our talent in wrong and fraudulent ways. A white friend of mine once told me that he wonders why Nigerians are able to scam the white and americans who taught and invented most things they know.If only Nigerians can place their talent and jointly use it to develop a sell-able idea.

It is a general belief that we are talented but our problem is not what to invent or the business to create but our major problem is the capability that comes with the creation/invention of a product/business.In my own opinion,only a few Nigerians see a problem and those Nigerians are the rich and wealthy ones that have other alternatives like going abroad to see a better service or product.

Remember, in order to invent or renovate something,you have to see a problem with that thing.We the poor unwealthy Nigerians see this problem.We live with this problem because we have no choice and we want to solve it because we have the solution but we do not have the finance to solve the problem.


NaijaTalent/NaijaFunders/NairaFind ( any unique short domain name)
This is a social investment platform for Nigerians meant to share their ideas and find interested investors.The idea is written in such a way that only interested investors can view full idea/contact the inventor. investors example 2-20 group of social investors can offer to invest in a % of the idea.the project idea is closely monitored to ensure transparency in partnership and revenue share.
social investors do not have to bring capital.they could bring in their expert and business/political connection to grow your idea.

web revenue
the website generates its revenue either through investors subscription i.e the investors have to pay to view further idea details and contact the inventor or business owner or the website must own a % share of any product or services invested through the site.


in order to ensure that only serious investors contact the inventor or business owner,the investor must pay a subscription fee. and are rated based on their business profile and previous investment.

The invention or the business idea is protected through petent where possible to ensure copy catters. lol

At the end,I see a Nigerian with a lot of investments in different businesses in Nigeria and are guaranteed with a monthly pay cheque. immagine having 20% share of in virtually every successful business in Nigeria.

Feel free to exploit this idea to suit your own idea.

No 4: Thesis Database for Nigerian University Thesis.

Have you ever tried to search for previous thesis written by a student in a University?Nigerian schools are not competent enough because students always recopy an already written thesis or write a thesis that has already been written several years ago because they do not want to research new ideas or are so lazy to research a problem.this all leads to a bad educational system and low ranking among university.

Thesis Nigeria/Nigerian Graduate thesis/ (short unique domain name)
This is a website platform that enables Final year student to publish their final thesis in pdf/Doc format for easy view by the lecturer and other student wanting to research on the same topic.This will help to improve joint network between idea and help to improve school/university competence.

This will make it easy for lecturers to view and easily access student thesis without having to dedicate so much time in flipping A4 papers.

Students will not be able to recopy already written thesis because because they can be scanned in the thesis database and persecuted.

companies and government organizations are able to post thesis topic/problem giving the student a possibility on researching on the topic which will in turn help the student in securing employment with the researched company in future.

How it works
1.student upload their finished thesis to the website for public viewing
2.admin forwards it to the lecturer for approval before it is published.
3.the public/companies can view the thesis in PDF format online which is easier.

imagine signing a contract with schools and university to ensure students do not recopy an already produced thesis.
You can generate revenue through site visitor traffic as well as selling adverts relating to education on your site.

feel free to manipulate this idea to suit your current education thesis problem.

6. Jamb Past question and Answer Website

It is a common knowledge that most JAMB and WAEC question are usually the same every year or with just a slight change in the questions. This means that if people can dedicate their time in revisiting this past questions few times a week through a click on a website,they would definitely come out successful after the exam.

This website or blog could be a platform of past Jamb questions and answers fully discussed by experts with different view on solving it. i.e a maths questions,could have several ways of solving or identifying the answer which saves time for other questions.


Revenue comes from site traffic and advertising placed by local jamb or waec tutorials.

this is a mini idea for a blog starter but feel free to manipulate it if you think it has bigger potential.

7. Internet Service Provider idea
You become an internet service provider for a street or locality. For example,you provide internet service for residence in your street or in streets surrounding your home.It is like having an internet cafe with no computers,mask,or office location. your office location in online which means you reduce cost(power,office and equipment cost.


The last time i visited Nigeria i was so frustrated with the way people have to spend so much time using their blackberry to view a webpage which was either not mobile compatible or doesn't download picture well.Even though i used my iPhone with one of the local telecom service,it was so difficult but even worst if i would have used a BB. People have to buy 1000-2000 Naira airtime just to browse for few hours on their mobile phone.

When i got back to Europe, and did my mathematics,over here, i pay 10 euros/ month on the fastest internet.and i could use it on my laptop and via mobile through WiFi.
10 euros= 2000 Naira. (it means people pay 2000naira viewing one or two sites with their mobile phone for a few hours then the money is gone while i spend 2000 Naira downloading alot of apps and heavy docs online every month)

With a little knowledge on how the internet works i.e any internet generated and not used is gone forever meaning mtn and glo waste alot of gb/mb of internet they would have offered for a cheap fee for means they are yet to understand how this internet stuff works.They reap Nigerians off their hard earned money by allocating a few megabyte to them for 10 euros.

Furthermore,Over here in Europe where i live.there are hardly any cyber cafes here.what you find is a couple of restaurants offering free internet through a WIFI Hotpot might want to look up for the meaning of WiFi hotspot on Google.

NaijaHotspot/ConnectNigeria- ( u can use any unique short domain name)
In order to provide unlimited internet service to Nigerians, someone must take this idea to them or set up a company that provides internet hotspot for your locals/street neighbours enabling them to use their computers, ipad and mobiles unlimitedly through a hotspot.

How it works

1. You sign an agreement with mtn or glo or any other and they allocate some internet loads to you. you mount some hotspot modem in your local/street (the cost of a modem is so cheap for sure).

2. Because almost all computers and phones this days come with a wifi connection.laptop owners are able to connect to the internet and browse unlimited if they live within the locality of the hotspot modem.

3. After they connect to the hotspot internet which is basically free to connect, and they try to browse a website, they are automatically diverted/directed to your website (Naijahotspot) after 1 minute of browsing(the 1 minute is to attract them to test your internet service for which they will be motivated)
They must pay/subscribe through your site in order to continue using your fast wifi hotsport internet.they will then either choose to pay through bank transfer or other means to get a generated code through their text message to continue browsing.

You get revenue through subscription either hourly/weekly/monthly or even yearly.
you can also get revenue by selling advert space on your website. advertisers will be willing to pay alot to have their ads on your site.

After the capital expense which is not much.the only expense left is that of the mtn,glo agreement payment.

It is a very profitable internet business and has great potential for expansion into other localities,regions,cites and states.

8. Social Network platform for NYSC members
A Nigerian NYSC social network for connecting with ex corps members and sharing experience with new ones so they know what to expect in their camp.

NYSC training is the final stage in people education before they enter working life in Nigeria.Most graduates end up keeping memories of their nysc service experience even after retirement and they always wish to connect with corp members and establish a reunion.Some ex coup members try to find pictures taken during their nysc training to no avail, and some try to connect with old pals and school mates.

How it works
Ex corp members go to the site, register with their camp details and upload their photos.for every nice experience they encounter,their photos are uploaded and feedback are shared.the search engine helps to connect other ex members using the "six degree law".

This site could help individuals secure employment through ex corp member connection. for example. a friend of mine secured a job during an interview because the interviewer who is also the boss served in the same location with the job seeker though not at the same year. My friend served in 2005 and the employer served in 1989 but because he still keeps the sweet memories of his service, he decided to build the bond.

Another friend of mine got a job because the boss happens to know someone who knew someone that knew someone who served in the same camp as the job seeker. *grin*

Revenue comes from advertisement and personal donations

No 9: Nigerian Government Eform website

This e-business idea is ideal for people who are connected one way or the other with government agencies and ministries in Nigeria. Like the Bank of industries,BON,CAC and the rest of them. for a list if government unit, browse

You and i know the huge stressful process of sending applications to most of our Nigerian government agencies and sometimes it ends up taking weeks,years or even decades before a simple application is received and processed by this agency.In my opinion, it is as a result of the outdated method of application used by the Nigerian government agency. Paper application is a disease and can slow down application process as compared to e-application used by developed countries.
It is like sending a simple message to a friend by the Nigerian postal could take almost a month before this paper letter gets to its destination and it takes even more time before it is processed and a reply is sent back.
The advent of email,text message and fax message has been able to solve this problem,people are able to send and receive bulk letters via email and the recipient receives it instant within minutes.

Most Nigerian government agency now make use of internet connected computers in their office just that most of this computers are not functional because its use has not been harnessed. Imagine a secretary that has to flip through hundreds of application forms and some of them still have to input this application form into their computer and this makes their work tough and difficult and they end up making errors.

EFormNigeria/ENigeria/ApplyNigeria (use any unique short word domain name)

This is a website where applicants wanting to apply/Register for any Nigerian government agency documents or service can go,click on the agency form,fill out their information online and pay the necessary agency application fee plus an additional online service fee for using your website.

How it works
After the applicant fills in the form and pay the necessary application fee plus service fee online.He is provided with a reference code which is automatically generated for which he can use to either upload further document or send by post to the agency address for manual verification. (You could also set up your verification office if the agency thinks the verification will be more work for them)
This application is been directed to the agency through a database coded with agency user id and password.

The Applicant
The applicant fills in the application online and upload every necessary document.
The applicant pays the agency application fee online plus an additional fee for using the website after which a code is then generated.
The applicant is able to track the status of his application online using the generated reference code.
When the application is processed.the applicant is then told to come and pick up their certificates at the office or have it sent to them via registered mail for an additional fee.

Agency task
The agency personnel handling application is able to access applicants e-application through an admin user id and password.when he or she sign-in into the admin,he can view and process each application base on hierarchy.(first in,first out) and the application process is updated for which the applicant is able to view his or her application status online and provide any additional document that might be required.

You make revenue each time an applicant use your online application site.You could place government advert on your site.You could even end up selling the website to the Nigerian government for millions and you might be the admin of the website meaning employment creation for you.

You could also set up a verification virtual office by using a PO BOX number where applicants can send their document for verification.

How to start this E-business
You can start with one government agency then increase it as time goes.Visit the agency and collect all their application form.then create a site that has a database for you as an admin and for the agency as Agency Admin,then add a form and a Nigerian payment method on your site.You will need that paper application form to create the eform.
After the site is setup and ready to go.Then proceed to the agency office and request to see the boss or secretary in charge of applications.All you have to do is to allow him test your site and the rest will work out itself.

Note: Remember the Nigerian government is promoting cashless society and with cashless society comes paperless application and transparency.

Feel free to exploit this idea and drop me a feedback if you need additional information or critics.Remember for every problem spotted is a solution and a business idea generated.

No 10: Clothing Fashion Brand
Lets harness the power of community.They are over a thousands of locally trained dress makers that don't make 20,000 a month. if you are a fashion designer or artist,you could import raw material in bulk which is very cheap when you import large quantities. yo do not have to have to be a fashion could copy existing cloth and mass produce it locally and prepare them for export to Europe and America.

It is cheap because you will use locally made raw material which are cheap and import only a few material.You can create a long lasting brand solely made in Nigeria by Nigerians.

Imagine having a big ware house with 10-12 locally trained tailors who you pay less salary to produce your brand locally/cheaper because of the high scale and you export it to Europe and American where it is sold at a very costly rate.

you could secure lots of production contracts from international fashion designers who mass produce their designs using your dress production company.

Feel free to exploit their idea to fit your revenue perspective

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