The world we live in today has become a global village where you can easily reach someone living on the opposite end of the earth at the click of a mouse, 'Thanks To The Internet'.
People can market their products and services more effectively and have more customers. The internet never sleeps so that means whatever it is you are marketing is always available for sale 24/7. Never in the history of the world has there been a time like ours where making money was so easy as we have in our generation today.
If you ask me, I would say that the internet is one of the best things that ever happened to man because it has completely revolutionalized the way business is done and even bringing about new business ideas we would not have thought of even in the next 1,000 years. “Millions of dollars are being made on the internet everyday by people who know how to play their cards well”,yet majority of the people still struggle to make money online, a few make peanuts while the majority do not make a dime. they then get discouraged and start peddling rumors about the place saying thing like: making money online is impossible. I know of some internet marketers like Frank Kern “mass control site” who made about $540,000 us dollars in one day.
If you ask me, I would say that the internet is one of the best things that ever happened to man because it has completely revolutionalized the way business is done and even bringing about new business ideas we would not have thought of even in the next 1,000 years. “Millions of dollars are being made on the internet everyday by people who know how to play their cards well”,yet majority of the people still struggle to make money online, a few make peanuts while the majority do not make a dime. they then get discouraged and start peddling rumors about the place saying thing like: making money online is impossible. I know of some internet marketers like Frank Kern “mass control site” who made about $540,000 us dollars in one day.
This article is going to be looking at 7 reasons why you probably are not making money online. So just sit down, relax and enjoy the write up.
1 No Business Plan:
Whatever it is you want to accomplish in life, if you have no plan, that thing is bound to fail even before you start. Business is no different, to succeed in your business, you are going to need a business plan, this plan acts as a map to guide you and lead you successfully to your destination. Not having a business plan is like traveling to an unfamiliar destination without a map. How will you know when you have arrived? How will you even know if you are on the right track?
A business plan can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. It should include things like how much you want to make within a stipulated period, maybe six months or a year. It should also include the strategies you want to put in place to make that goal possible, etc. An example of a simple business plan could be as follows:
- I want to generate 50,000 dollars within the next one year.
- I will generate 70% from selling my info products and the remaining 30% from affiliate making. Etc...
Please note that there is no right or wrong way to write a business plan. It is not set in stone so feel free to write it the way you want as long as it includes what you want and how you intend to get it.
On your journey to become successful, you are going to need a clearly mapped out plan to succeed because you cannot have what you want if you don’t know what you want.
2 Inconsistency:
This is also another reason why we do not get the success we so much crave for online, most people who fail online don’t fail because they lack a formula for success, no!!! They fail because they refused to constantly apply that formula again and again to keep the tap of financial breakthrough open for the money to keep flowing into their bank accounts.
Successsful people look for proven bussiness formulas and then duplicate them on a regular basis, this is one of the secrets of the rich.”Don’t try to re-invent the wheel, just make it roll better”.
3 Not taking action:
Many people are so comfortable where they are or maybe i should say that they are so afraid of the unknown that they find it difficult to step out of their comfort zone and take the steps necessary for their success. So whenever such people have a great business idea and try to put it to work, fear sets in and so their subconscious mind will quickly retreat from the unfamiliar back to the familiar. Such people end up sitting on the sidelines and watch other people make it big in life while they remain so afraid to take action. Many people who refuse to take action do it because they are afraid to loose. “To them, their fear of loosing is much more than their excitement of winning” people who play it safe and refuse to take well calculated risk don’t make it very far in life, most of them end up falling by the way side. Life is all about taking risks, my friend. Without taking risk, there can be no reward. Every business has it’s own risk, infact a business without risk is not a business but something else. Lol. in fact If you ask me, i would say not taking action or refusing to act on that knowledge you gained from that seminar you attended or that ebook you read is the exact reason why “1% of the people in this world control over 97% of the worlds wealth”. I want you to think about that for a moment.
If you Keep doing things the way you’ve been doing them, then you will keep getting the same results you’ve been getting.
Many peole blame their reason for not taking action on flimsy excuses like :”i dont have any money”. Let me tell you something: not having money is not a good enough reason not to start an online business, infact it is the exact reason why you should start one. Remember “Do nothing and nothing will happen”
4 Unrealistic Goals:
you probably must have read at least one self-development book or been to one or two seminars on self-development and probably heard the importance of goal setting as a tool to becoming successful. But some people misunderstand the whole idea behind goal setting for example:
imagine Some one who never made a dime online writing something like this: “I want to make a million dollars in the next 2 months” while writing such oversized goal is not such a bad idea, but there is a problem. Considering his wealth of experience which we know is very small, the probability of achieving such a massive goal within such a small time frame is nearly non-existent. So such a goal could be considered to be an unrealistic one. It’s not too different from a baby trying to run before he or she even knows how to crawl.
Here are some things you need to know about setting your goals.
Your goals must be:
a. Specific
b. Measurable
c. Realistic
d. Time bound (must have an expiry date if not it is merely a dream)
5 . No Focus:
Do you know what a LASER is? It’s an acronym for the words “Light Amplification By Stimulation Of Electromagnetic Rays”. It is a state of the art cutting tool that can cut through almost anything. Do you know why it is so powerful? Simple!!! it is because the beams are focused. one reason many of us fail online is because we lack focus.
You start a business today and when things are not going the way you expect, instead of employing better business strategies, you dont do that, instead you drop it and start looking for something else, before you know it, you would have tried almost all the businesses that exist on earth but have nothing to show for it, why? Simple!! you lack focus!!!
Successful people start a business, stay with it through all the rough times until the business starts bringing in returns. Then and only then can they start looking for other business ideas to build on to have multiple sources of income. Master one skill at a time, become an authority in that field before moving on to try your hands on other things.
Don’t be a jack of all trade master of none!!! Focus is one of the keys you need to become successful.
6 Lack Of Discipline:
You will agree with me that to develop a new skill, be it online or offline, being able to discpline yourself is very vital to your completion of the task needed to perfect such skills. The importance of discipline in the business world cannot be over emphasized. It is the bedrock to a successful business empire. Discipline is setting a goal to do something and actually doing that thing when you said you will do it and how you said you will do it without procrastinating.
A person who lacks discipline always procrastinates. “Putting off today’s work till tomorrow” .this is very dangerous. Indiscipline is one of the top most killers of any business. Please, dont let it roar its ugly head in your business.
7 Impatience:
Starting an online business is no different from a farmer sowing seeds in the farm. He makes sure the seeds are healthy, the soil is fertile and makes sure moisture is available before planting. After planting, he goes away and comes back to check from time to time probably removing weeds when the need arises. He does not just stand there after planting and expects some kind of over night miracle to take place. he is very patient because he knows that if he plays his part well by doing all he is suppose to do when he is suppose to do them, a bumper harvest is inevitable.
Too bad when it comes to making money online we expect some kind of overnight miracle to take place forgetting that we have to pass through the learning curve with patience and perseverance.
“Rome was not built in a day” popular saying. We also need to be patient when it comes to building a business empire and also make sure you have a rock solid foundation so your empire doesn’t come crashing down.
Final Thoughts:
Making money online “building a successful business empire online takes time, dedication focus passion and a host of other factors but i assure you that it is far easier and produces faster returns than the traditional offline brick and morta strategies. I really do hope i have opened your eyes to some of the factors that could become a recipie to failure if you follow them. thank you for reading through this far. Please feel free to email your comment or questions to me. i would really love to hear from you.
To your online Success:
Olayemi Alabi
Olayemi Alabi
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